Ballot Measure 301: Development Shall Pay Its Own Way
The purpose of this Section is to ensure that City levels of service are not diminished by new development. Examples of City facilities and services affected by this Section include police, fire-rescue, parks and recreation, public libraries, housing, human services, senior services, parking services, transportation, and open space and mountain parks.
To the extent allowed by Federal and state law, the City shall not approve new development that does not fully pay for or otherwise provide all the additional facilities and services required to fully offset the burdens that otherwise would have been imposed by such new development on City facilities and services.
For purposes of this Section, “new development” shall be defined as:
(a) Any residential or non-residential construction that results in additional floor area in a building or on a site, except for modifications to residential buildings that do not add additional dwelling units and that have a de minimis effect on the facilities and services referred to in this Section, or
(b) Any change in use of an existing building or site, except for changes of use that have a de minimis effect on the facilities and services referred to in this Section.
For purposes of this Section, “City facilities and services” shall be defined as all of those that are material and provided by all City departments or divisions, except the departments or divisions supplying City water, wastewater, flood control, and electric utility services, as these already have service standards, and the departments of finance and human resources (personnel), the offices of the city manager and city attorney, and the municipal court.
The City Council shall adopt and apply standards and practices that are reasonably designed to achieve the requirements of this Section and that are consistent with generally accepted professional standards and practices where such exist. These standards and practices shall include without limitation consideration of indirect revenues and contributions from new development, such as sales and use tax paid by occupants, and consideration of multiple developments evaluated in aggregate.
Standards for transportation facilities and services shall include without limitation emergency response times, daily vehicle miles traveled within the City, and travel times on the streets for which the City measured travel times as of the passage of this Section, and any additional streets that may be warranted. These travel time measurements shall be expanded to include the hour before and the hour after the morning and evening peak hours.
The City Council, by an affirmative vote of six members, may exempt the development of permanently affordable housing units, or the affordable housing portions of new developments, or publicly-owned new developments from the requirements of this Section.
New development with a complete and properly submitted application for a building permit, or a change of use permit, as of the date of passage of this Section, shall be exempt from the requirements of this Section, but only for the construction or change of use covered by the permit or change of use application as submitted.
The City Manager shall report annually at a City Council meeting all standards used and a summary of the measurements and actions taken and analyses performed to satisfy the intent of this Section?
Gwen Dooley | John Price |
Allyn Feinberg | Ken Farmer |
Barbara Kendall |